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Adding Devices

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To add a Device, simply click on “Devices” from the left side of the Smart PBX app.

Click “Add Device” and select the device type.

Add Device

Fill in the device details and be sure to click inside of the SIP Password box to reveal the password.

You will use this information to register your SIP phone. Here are a few things to remember.

  • Be sure to to enter your username into the “Auth username” field if your device has it.
  • “Realm” is sometimes referred to “Domain” in some phone configs so place it where neccessary. You will also need the SIP Proxy which goes in to the “Outbound Proxy” or “SIP Proxy” field in your device.
Add Device

Advanced Options

Click “Advanced” for specific options.

Set your codec preferences here. I would recommend G.722 HD or the Standard, lower bandwidth intensive G.711u (PCMU).

Audio Codecs

Select the Video Codec preference according to your SIP device if you want to use Video. 

Video Codecs

Restrictions (Highly Recommended!)
Calling restrictions are set at the parent account level by default how ever, if you enable International Calling on your account you may want to restrict this at the user Device level.
This will ensure that device and any user using that device will not be able to make International calls, etc.

Device Restrictions


Device SRTP

Ignore Completed Elsewhere:
If part of a ring group, do you want the phones the were called to say there was a Missed call even if it was picked up elsewhere? 

Notify when unregistered:
Email the admin when this device goes offline.

Encrypt the audio:
Please do! Currently only SRTP is supported and must be enabled on your IP handset/device as well.

Happy Calling!